Reaching A Deep Meditative State...
Not Anymore!

Thousands of years ago, shamans used the power of music to reach states of consciousness that were inaccessible  without going into a trance state.

Some ancient religions assume that the earth was created out of the vibration of a sacred sound. Some modern scientists call the creation of earth: the big bang, an enormous vibration.

In 'The Zensation Manual: The forbidden secrets of personal and spiritual development', I point out the importance of brainwaves and I explain how you can now use special music to alter your state of consciousness. This means that you can now quickly and easily access deeper mediations, spiritual areas of the mind and the experiences that go hand in hand with these higher states of consciousness.

This process is called brainwave entrainment. It is based on the principle that when your ears are exposed to two different frequencies, your brain will start to alter the frequency of the electric impulses in your brain toward the middle of these frequencies.

By using this technology, we are now able to guide our brain towards the frequency that corresponds with a specific state of consciousness.

Yet there are some practical problems with using this technology to synchronize your brainwaves. Of course clever marketing people will not tell you about these...

For instance you need a headset which for some people means they are restricted to certain body positions or distance from their computer or CD player.

This headset needs to be able to access a good range of low and high frequencies and fit the ears pretty precise in order for the synchronization to happen and to produce the desired altered states. Most cheap headphones don't
reach the necessary frequency range.

If you are not using a headset, you need to be in the almost  perfect middle between two speakers.

Just to sum up some of the practical issues that come to mind...

Luckily the technology has evolved over the years....


It is now possible to have concerts where complete audiences are guided into positive and beneficial states of consciousness. This also means you now only have to put on this specially altered music and can sit or lay in every posture you like.

This in itself is already a huge evolution, yet I still wasn't satisfied with it....

When I was experimenting with applying this technology for the theta frequency, which makes out of body experiences and psychic insight possible, I noticed something really strange...

... the sound started to match a special rhythm which I was taught on the didgeridoo. An ancient traditional Aboriginal instrument. I had received my first lessons in playing this instrument years before all this from a couple of Aboriginals in Australia. They also passed some knowledge on to me, which is generally not given to non-Aboriginals. I was taught a rhythm they use to achieve out of body experiences or astral travel.

You understand my amazement when I discovered that a tone to which I had added the theta frequency, using this new technology resembled this ancient Aboriginal rhythm!

Years later I did a similar discovery when I was studying with a spiritual teacher in Bali. I noticed that their traditional music, which was  used for getting people into trance states during sacred ceremonies... was using this effect too!

In Western music, all instruments are tuned to each other, but in traditional music from Bali, the instruments are tuned so that there is a slight difference between them... which causes a difference in frequency.  When the brain is exposed to these different frequencies it creates a separate tone... NOT created by the instruments... which causes people to access trance states.

I started to experiment and fine tune the tones and the specific frequencies they created into a natural evolution from one state of consciousness toward another... helping to guide the brain into a specific frequency and towards a specific state of consciousness.

All this, I believe makes it much easier for people to reach higher states of consciousness and makes the positive effects of meditation accessible to more people. My first couple of tests confirm this. 

Just some of the positive, scientifically proven, results you can expect from synchronizing your brainwaves:
-Improved sleeping pattern
-Less sensitivity to stress
-Improved intuition
-Deeper and more lucid dreaming
-Easier access to extra sensory perception
-Deeper and prolonged meditation
-Improved immune system
-And more...

Scientific research, done in the U.S., shows this new technology can alter brainwaves much faster than the old technology where you need headphones. In fact it was shown to be 2-3 times more efficient than the older methods.

I have developed two versions:

meditation CD brain meditation posture Part 1- ALPHA-Breath:

This 40 minute version, guides you gently into towards the alpha state. Here you can connect with your subconscious and the more emotional and intuitive areas of your brain.

To enhance the relaxation, I have added a bell signal, which you can follow with your breathing. Forcing you gently to slow down your breathing and relax into the alpha state. A sensation of freedom and wellness is created.

Meditation music meditation CD Part 2 -ALPHA THETA:

This 60 minute version is mostly alpha, but dips into theta frequencies from time to time. Allowing you to reach into deeper areas of your mind.

This one is great if you already have your own meditation technique but want to go deeper and prolong the time you can spend in the meditative state. This is also nice with basic mantra meditation, because it will guide your mind into the meditative state and helps you to keep it there for longer periods of time.

After each session your brainwaves are gently guided towards outward focus, to help you com out of the trance.

How do the Mind Power Sounds ® fit into your personal and spiritual growth?

I think it is important to briefly touch on this subject, and be very open and honest with you... even if it probably means some lost sales...

My goal is to provide people with tools for personal and spiritual growth which allow people to grow naturally and independently.

Tools like these, the Mind Power Sounds ®, are helpful in guiding you into an altered state of consciousness, or trance state. Once you have experienced the particular state a dozen times, your body and mind get to know and recognize it... and you can attain it by yourself without depending on the sounds.

This is the key to growth. Anyone telling you that you can gain spiritual or personal growth or even enlightenment by using this sort of sound, is lying to you... unless they tell you the goal is only a stepping stone to help you experience and recognize the state. For real growth, you should abandon crutches like these when you no longer need them and work towards higher levels of freedom and independence.

It is better not to use these if you are epileptic or have severe mental problems.

Since most people now have portable devices to play music, I have decided to make these available as mp3 downloads, instead of putting them on CD. This also means you don't need to wait for shipping and can start using them immediately after your order.

Click here to order them for just US$ 39,95 

I will provide you with specific instructions on how to use the Mind Power Sounds ® mp3 to get best results.

But, just in case...I will also provide a 30 day guarantee for these...  if you don't like it, or it just doesn't fit with you... let my customer service know and you get a full refund, no questions asked.

Click here to order.

For A Greater Human Potential,
Conrad Raw